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Re: Fees/AR
Posted by Anonymous of IL on 7/19/04 5:09pm Msg #4639
A base fee should be set after that you charge for the extras, like e-doc's and copies,piggyback loan package meaning 2 loan on the same order refin and home equity or line of credit, it will be 2 sets of doc's one refin larger than the home equity or line of credit , I would charge 65 base fee and 35.00 for e-doc's = 100.00, and also you charge for ex mile 1.35per mile over your base radius round trip, my base is 25 mile and 50 round trip after that 1.35 per mile add to the fee. or you could use a flat fee of $ 25.00 over your base miles.
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Messages in this Thread
 Fees/AR -  nahobbs on 7/19/04 4:56pm
 Re: Fees/AR - Anonymous on 7/19/04 5:09pm
 Re: Fees/AR - Nancy Hobbs on 7/19/04 7:32pm
 Re: Fees/AR - Dmoore on 7/19/04 9:21pm
 Re: Fees/AR - xptselmo on 7/19/04 10:04pm
 Re: Fees/AR - Sylvia_FL on 7/19/04 10:37pm
 Re: Fees/AR - Mountainlion on 7/20/04 1:24pm
 Overnight delivery charges ... - Bobbi in CT on 7/20/04 8:20pm
 Re: Overnight delivery charges ... - Mountainlion on 7/21/04 2:43am
 Re: Fees/AR - Sylvia_FL on 7/20/04 10:16pm

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