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Order of Presentation of Documents
Posted by LynnNC of NC on 7/24/05 11:32am Msg #54245
This is what I do:
· ID document
· HUD (they can read over this while I get their ID info written down)
· Note and allonges
· First payment letter
· Then the rest of the docs in whatever order are in, except the Customer Information Form. This is the page that the borrowers need to write down their life history (at least 10 years worth) showing marriages, divorces, addresses, employment, etc. I keep it until the very end, so they can be filling it out while I review the docs.
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 recission - George Mendonca on 7/5/05 10:50pm
 Re: recission - Dmartz_IN on 7/5/05 11:13pm
 Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Ernest_CT on 7/5/05 11:15pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - George Mendonca on 7/5/05 11:16pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Dmartz_IN on 7/5/05 11:19pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - George Mendonca on 7/5/05 11:21pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Dmartz_IN on 7/5/05 11:23pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - George Mendonca on 7/5/05 11:25pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Dmartz_IN on 7/5/05 11:30pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Dmartz_IN on 7/5/05 11:30pm
 Re: NNA's 800 # -  CarolynCO on 7/6/05 8:04am
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - CaliNotary on 7/6/05 1:29pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Kim_Cali on 7/5/05 11:22pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - George Mendonca on 7/5/05 11:24pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - AnneSoCa on 7/5/05 11:45pm
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Anonymous on 7/6/05 12:16am
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m - Nancy in Florida on 7/6/05 12:26am
 He was Cheating on Bancserv Test - Kim_Cali on 7/6/05 2:26am
 Re: He was Cheating on Bancserv Test - Margaret/Florida on 7/6/05 5:50am
 Re: He was Cheating on Bancserv Test -  HisHughness on 7/6/05 6:47am
 Re: He was Cheating on Bancserv Test -  PAW_Fl on 7/6/05 7:18am
 Enjoyed your sign Paul - Dogmonger, Ca on 7/6/05 8:23am
 Re: Yup; somebody's cheating on a test. n/m -  CarolynCO on 7/6/05 8:07am
 We are trying to teach you to fish - Dorothy/MI on 7/6/05 1:25pm
 Re: recission, National Institute of Standards and Tech. - Gerry_VT on 7/6/05 9:49am
 Re: recission, National Institute of Standards and Tech. - anonymous on 7/6/05 11:16am
 Re: recission, National Institute of Standards and Tech. - Gerry_VT on 7/6/05 12:01pm
 Re: recission, National Institute of Standards and Tech. - Sylvia_FL on 7/6/05 12:05pm
 Midnight and Noon ... - Ernest_CT on 7/7/05 12:15pm
 Order of Presentation of Documents - LynnNC on 7/24/05 11:32am

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