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Stipulation and Convenience Agreement
Posted by Grammy824 of ? on 7/26/05 6:49am Msg #54676
"The undersigned borrowers acknowledge that the loan documents for the above referenced loan are being signed as a matter of convenience only and that final loan approval will not be rendered until the following are completed:".....The Agreement requests photos of driver licenses and ss #. Near the bottom, before the signature blocks, it says: "In the event the above conditions are not completed by ___________ or should XYZ Finance Company not be able to record a lien in a satisfactory position, _________________ shall be under no obligation whatsoever to approve the loan." The the customer signs. Is anyone familiar with this Agreement, and if so, what goes into the blanks?
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 Stipulation and Convenience Agreement - Grammy824 on 7/26/05 6:49am
 Re: Stipulation and Convenience Agreement -  PAW_Fl on 7/26/05 8:41am

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