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Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations?
Posted by NVLSlady/VA of VA on 2/22/21 9:55pm Msg #629789
Slew of info here if you Search (orange): Scanner, scan backs or printer, Fujitsu, Brother, etc. to get you going Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - NC_Notary on 2/22/21 7:35pm
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - NVLSlady/VA on 2/22/21 9:55pm
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - Luckydog on 2/23/21 7:00am
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - Noolypen on 2/23/21 1:34pm
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - Luckydog on 2/23/21 3:58pm
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - NC_Notary on 2/23/21 3:06pm
 Do a search--it's been discussed many times. I use the -  MW/VA on 2/23/21 8:27am
 Re: Do a search--it - NC_Notary on 2/23/21 3:08pm
 I bought mine new through Office Depot/Office Max. It's -  MW/VA on 2/23/21 4:04pm
 I found this on Amazon. -  MW/VA on 2/23/21 4:07pm
 Raven Pro - Clem/CA on 2/23/21 4:03pm
 Re: Reasonably priced ADF Scanner/Fax machine recommendations? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/24/21 10:40am

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