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Re: My biz is in the pits. It
Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 3/29/22 5:16pm Msg #639146
I agree...It's horrible. I did a closing today for a cash-out refi and borrowers paid $21,000 and change to get their rate to 3.5%! The loan amount was just over $500K and pulled out $81K in cash, a credit score in the lower 700's. If that's the future, we are in trouble. We should start seeing some adjustable rates soon I think, I hope. Maybe business will pick up then. I am not surprised though, after the big highs are the extreme lows in this biz.
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Messages in this Thread
 Increasing rates create substantial downshift for home sales -  Yoli/CA on 3/29/22 2:04pm
 My biz is in the pits. It's 2008 all over again! Ughhh! n/m -  MW/VA on 3/29/22 3:51pm
 Re: My biz is in the pits. It - PaigeTurner on 3/29/22 5:16pm

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