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That knocked me off my chair
Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 4/10/22 4:15pm Msg #639371
The esteemed Tony Negrete, that SS owner who always gets the royal treatment here and a pat on the back is a bit of a snake and was reprimanded by the owners for stealing 8000+ notaries from the NR database and selling it to Notary Software aka the "..Coffee site". I am surprised he was still allowed to comingle with the notaries after this took place.

"For those of you who still do not understand, unless Tony has severed all ties with Cafe, he is essentially an extension of the competition and was instrumental in getting them their start by populating their database with our notaries." ... Harry

I wonder how much he made off that shady deal?
Now, it sort of makes sense on how some of us appear on platforms we never signed up with. We had a SS hijacking NR and selling us out to the highest bidder(s) Could be more...who knows.

Thanks, Yoli for finding this. I have to say, this is real information coming from Harry, the owners here, and not speculation.
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Messages in this Thread
 I need RON Notaries to join me. - Negrete on 4/8/22 8:42am
 I haven't been set up for RON yet, but would be interested -  MW/VA on 4/8/22 3:34pm
 Confused - PaigeTurner on 4/8/22 7:14pm
 Re: Confused n/m - Negrete on 4/9/22 1:23pm
 Re: Confused - Negrete on 4/9/22 3:58pm
 Re: Tony, Notary or SS, Soliciting$Advertising,Pot stirring n/m - HeatherR/CA on 4/9/22 8:33pm
 Oh Good Grief here we go again... n/m - Linda_H/FL on 4/9/22 4:14pm
 ;-( n/m -  MW/VA on 4/9/22 6:12pm
 Re: Confused - PaigeTurner on 4/9/22 9:00pm
 Re: Confused Yep agree! More than Definitely Odd! - HeatherR/CA on 4/10/22 12:10am
 I agree with you both, Heather and Paige - Linda_H/FL on 4/10/22 8:22am
 IMO people prefer to argue rather than report. ;-( n/m -  MW/VA on 4/10/22 9:07am
 Re: IMO I already did. Did you? n/m - HeatherR/CA on 4/10/22 10:47am
 Re: IMO By the way M, not arguing, stating fact. n/m - HeatherR/CA on 4/10/22 10:49am
 Thanks Heather and Linda - PaigeTurner on 4/10/22 11:39am
 Re: IMO people prefer to argue rather than report. ;-( - PaigeTurner on 4/10/22 11:43am
 Appears Negrete has a history ... -  Yoli/CA on 4/10/22 12:43pm
 That knocked me off my chair - PaigeTurner on 4/10/22 4:15pm
 Oh, wow, Msg #418530 is enlightening. - SC/CA on 4/10/22 4:18pm
 Re: Appears Negrete has a history ... - MikeC/TX on 4/10/22 4:21pm
 "Flipped my positive opinion" too. Bummer. - SC/CA on 4/10/22 5:00pm
 Re: IMO people prefer to argue rather than report. ;-( - linda/ca on 4/11/22 3:52pm

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