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Re: One thousand fewer CA notaries @ July 31
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 8/3/22 8:13am Msg #641593
Our state SOS website has a listing of currently commissioned notaries, and it is updated daily. The list indicates that on a daily basis, CA is losing 40 to 60 notaries a day.

That decline is likely comprised of people who are retiring, moving out of state, recently terminated from a company where commission was a required credential for their work (lenders, title, etc ) and reemployment in our industry is not likely in our current climate. Also a lot of people climbed on board this ship only to learn this endeavor is no cake walk.

How is biz in AZ?
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Messages in this Thread
 One thousand fewer CA notaries @ July 31 -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/31/22 9:30am
 Re: One thousand fewer CA notaries @ July 31 - Wendy Nielsen on 8/2/22 3:44pm
 Re: One thousand fewer CA notaries @ July 31 -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/3/22 8:13am
 Re: One thousand fewer CA notaries @ July 31 -  canotaryhere on 8/8/22 1:35am

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