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Another ethics issue for XYZ? (For CA only) re: website data
Posted by JanetK_CA of CA on 1/17/24 4:03pm Msg #647575
For those who don't know, California passed a law a good while back that requires any website that collects data from site visits to give visitors the option to opt out of having cookies collect data, except for that necessary for site operation. That includes personal data, analytics, etc. So if you're like me, when you go to a site you've never visited before, you see a window open where you can specify your preferences. I make a point of going into those pages and turning off at least the collection of personal data for resale.

So... I get the weekly email from the NNA (even though some of the stuff they post makes my teeth hurt...), and when I click on an article that takes me to their website, I get the prompt re: cookies. I open the window to turn off at least collection of personal data, then click the button that claims to save preferences. If I open multiple articles on the same day, I don't get further prompts, but it seems to pop up again the next time I click on an article in a new weekly newsletter. So far, I've reset my preferences on that site at least 4 times, to the point where I'm looking out for it to see if my preferences have finally been saved. Seems they never are. Makes me wonder if they're selling my data anyway...

It also leaves me wondering if it's intentional or just incompetence. Anyone else notice this - or care?
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Messages in this Thread
 Another ethics issue for XYZ? (For CA only) re: website data - JanetK_CA on 1/17/24 4:03pm
 Tough call: intentional or incompetence? Hmmm... - Lee/AR on 1/17/24 5:33pm
 Re: Tough call: intentional or incompetence? Hmmm... - Mobile Notary North Idaho - Owner on 1/18/24 10:20am
 Re: Another ethics issue for XYZ? (For CA only) re: website data - Matt Miller on 1/18/24 11:48am
 Settings for Chrome are here - Clem/CA on 1/18/24 12:22pm
 Re: Settings for Chrome are here -  Expeditor on 1/18/24 9:37pm
 I don't use Chrome -  JanetK_CA on 1/19/24 1:05pm
 anyone can sell your data from that website... - CPNS2006 on 1/26/24 8:04am
 Re: anyone can sell your data from that website... -  JanetK_CA on 1/28/24 12:46am
 Re: anyone can sell your data from that website... - CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 8:01am

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