This is primarily for newbies.
I had a signing last week that cancelled the first day due to numbers not being correct and then being rescheduled for the following day. On day one, I expected to receive a trip and print fee only.
Today, I get the e-check and it's for $125 more than expected for the entire invoice for that assignment (2 trips). I called SS and inquired. He said that e-check is for last week's assignment and the one for (name, in Newcastle) in March that he hadn't yet paid. Okay, thanks!
It didn't sit right with me. Did I miss invoicing for an assignment? I always generate an invoice regardless of whether a hiring party requires it or not -- just for my records and really helps at tax time. I reviewed that SS's customer statements in my bookkeeping program. Sure enough! That name was signed in Newcastle in March ... of 2022 ... and SS paid my fee that same month. Called him back and advised of my findings. He was very appreciative of my honesty and ethics. By the way, he's the same way. While on the phone with him, I rejected the (overpayment) e-check on that system and he immediately turned around and paid my invoice by credit card in my bookkeeping program.
Some people would argue that I should've just taken the e-check and not questioned it. That perhaps it was just a gesture of goodwill. Personally, I had to discern the motive. If SS wanted to give me a bonus, so be it and THANK YOU. If not, well let's find out and work it out.
Reputation is everything in this business. 