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Re: Anyone know what a
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 6/10/24 8:27pm Msg #648623
Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug that causes hair loss as a side effect. The action against them may have to do with improper warnings about that, but I'm not certain. I've also gotten offers from that same service (via SnapDocs) for a legal action against the Phillips CPAP machine (which I believe has had a couple of recalls against them) and offers about some other pending legal action I've heard about but can't remember. All are from QuickTime Notary, which must have lined up a contract with some big litigious law firm.

Everything I've received from them (almost daily now) was far away so it seems clear that they're just set up to blast to anyone within 100 miles or so - and offers are only either $15 or $25. On this basis alone, I'd be very wary, as they seem to be pretty clueless or just don't care.
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Messages in this Thread
 Anyone know what a 'Taxotere PFS core Document' signing is? - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 3:30pm
 Have some info. Need more. Anyone done one of these? - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 3:53pm
 Re: Anyone know what a -  JanetK_CA on 6/10/24 8:27pm
 clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! n/m - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 9:50pm
 Re: clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! - SteveS/CA on 6/11/24 1:56am
 Re: clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! -  Yoli/CA on 6/11/24 12:08pm
 QuickTime Notary is permanently closed according to Google - CPNS2006 on 6/15/24 2:03pm
 Re: QuickTime Notary is permanently closed according to Google - SteveS/CA on 6/15/24 9:20pm

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