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Was I wrong to say thanks but no thanks?
Posted by Serina/VT of VT on 3/28/06 4:12pm Msg #109141
Got a call from a reputable SS that I've worked for a few times before and been paid well from. I was asked to do a GAC, overnite doc's, fax backs of about 20 pages, travel one way of about 35 miles (round trip of 70 or so) for $75. When I quoted my fee, the response was "but I'm only getting $150!" Its for the middle of NEXT month (I know I fell out of my chair too).

So was I being greedy to ask for more?
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Messages in this Thread
 Was I wrong to say thanks but no thanks? - Serina/VT on 3/28/06 4:12pm
 Re: Was I wrong to say thanks but no thanks? -  Janlee_MI on 3/28/06 4:17pm
 Re: Was I wrong to say thanks but no thanks? -  BrendaTx on 3/28/06 6:34pm
 Re: Was I wrong to say thanks but no thanks? - Beth/MD on 3/28/06 8:47pm
 If you think that was bad, I got a better one... - JinCA on 3/28/06 7:27pm
 Re: If you think that was bad, I got a better one... - BetsyMI on 3/29/06 9:23am

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