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Re: Attorney States
Posted by Gerry_VT of VT on 4/5/06 1:22pm Msg #111266
Vermont's status seems unclear to me. The advise I got from the SOS notary coordinator was that real estate tranactions between 2 private individuals didn't need an attorney, but a loan from a large lender to a private individual did. I wonder if PAW or Serena have any documentation to back up their posts.
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Messages in this Thread
 Title Gal or PAW? OR anyone else who might know -  Brescia Mobile Notary on 4/5/06 8:45am
 I got a great map off of NNA's website.... - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 8:50am
 Re: I got a great map off of NNA's website.... -  PAW on 4/5/06 12:24pm
 Works great for me... n/m - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 3:49pm
 Attorney States - BP/WV on 4/5/06 8:50am
 Vermont is NOT an Attorney State n/m - Serina/VT on 4/5/06 9:52am
 Re: Attorney States -  PAW on 4/5/06 12:22pm
 Re: Attorney States - Gerry_VT on 4/5/06 1:22pm
 TY for response... :) -  Peg on 4/5/06 9:40am

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