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Been there....
Posted by  Raimond of CA on 4/5/06 11:24pm Msg #111435
Like finding at 7:30 AM that your first signing is still in the computer cuz you printed your 2 signing docs twice before heading off to bed the night prior.

200 pages wasted, not too bad!
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Messages in this Thread
 I'm an idiot. Kinkos revisited. - MichiganAl on 4/5/06 10:30pm
 Re: I'm an idiot. Kinkos revisited. -  Sher/AZ on 4/5/06 11:09pm
 Sorry to hear that Al, I'm sure that everyone in business -  Charles_Ca on 4/5/06 11:13pm
 Been there.... -  Raimond on 4/5/06 11:24pm
 Re: Been there.... -  Joan Bergstrom on 4/6/06 1:35am
 Re: Been there.... -  Joan Bergstrom on 4/6/06 1:35am
 so....... -  Stamper_WI on 4/6/06 6:49am
 Hey Al save that receipt for your taxes!! n/m -  hcampersFL on 4/6/06 8:10am

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