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Try this...
Posted by  BarbaraL_CA of CA on 12/7/04 1:25pm Msg #12892
I googled on "Charlene Henry" and found the following: - a review of a book she read - definitely her as it is by Charlene Henry, Professional Title, Baltimore

If she's into filmtology try:

And if she could possibly be a restaurant owner at a golf course in New Orleans, try this:

I recommend you try several search engines with various combinations such as:
"Charlene Henry" title, "Charlene Henry" Baltimore, or "Charlene Henry" and any other thing you may know about her. I found my long lost best friend from high school by doing this.
Good Luck!
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Messages in this Thread
 Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... -  Loretta Reed on 12/6/04 4:11pm
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/6/04 11:00pm
 I DON'T UNDERSTAND SOME PEOPLE - Nicole on 12/7/04 8:00am
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... -  Loretta Reed on 12/7/04 5:19pm
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 9:03pm
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 10:42pm
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... - BrendaTX on 12/9/04 2:19am
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 9:10pm
 Re: Does anyone know Charlene Henry.... -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 10:54pm
 Try this... -  BarbaraL_CA on 12/7/04 1:25pm
 Re: Try this... -  Loretta Reed on 12/7/04 5:25pm
 You're Welcome 9smile) N/M -  BarbaraL_CA on 12/7/04 7:59pm

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