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Re: Would you notarize?
Posted by  MikeC/NY of NY on 8/15/08 4:30pm Msg #260247
I'm not an attorney, but the first question I'd ask is whether you need to match his signature in order to properly ID him. A person's signature is whatever he or she wants it to be - look at the undecipherable scrawl so many people use to sign documents.

That said, this guy is apparently not too bright - he was supposed to sign it and add "without prejudice", not sign it just using those words. I think what you've got is a driver's license that wasn't actually signed, but that's just personal opinion...

If the DMV doesn't care, CA notary law doesn't require that you match a signature on the ID, and all other required elements are present, is there really a problem? Do CA notaries have the authority to add ID requirements beyond what state notary law requires? Here in NY we are only required to be "reasonably certain" of ID, which leaves us a lot of wiggle room - do you have that option?

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Messages in this Thread
 Would you notarize? - JAM/CA on 8/15/08 2:31pm
 Good question. Here's what I found on the subject -  Becca_FL on 8/15/08 3:02pm
 Re: Would you notarize? -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 3:34pm
 I love your response Glenn/Thank you n/m - JAM/CA on 8/15/08 3:40pm
 Re: I love your response Glenn/Thank you -  John_NorCal on 8/15/08 4:08pm
 Re: I love your response Glenn/Thank you -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 4:14pm
 Re: I love your response Glenn/Thank you -  John_NorCal on 8/15/08 4:17pm
 Re: I love your response Glenn/Thank you - MeganC/CA on 8/15/08 4:24pm
 Good Catch -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 4:29pm
 If Daniel Boone wants to be a survivalist, then fine. -  MichiganAl on 8/15/08 11:11pm
 My handbook does. -  janCA on 8/15/08 4:26pm
 Re: My handbook does. -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 4:49pm
 Re: Would you notarize? -  MikeC/NY on 8/15/08 4:30pm
 Re: Would you notarize? - ct on 8/16/08 10:09am
 Re: Would you notarize? -  claudine osborne on 8/17/08 11:00pm
 Re: Would you notarize? -  claudine osborne on 8/17/08 11:01pm
 Signs with a star...only in CA! n/m -  LynnNC on 8/18/08 9:44am
 Re: Would you notarize? -  MichiganAl on 8/19/08 12:10am
 That's a cool one Al...I've had shooting stars, many diff -  jba/fl on 8/19/08 1:09am

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