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Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - aw heck, jba
Posted by Gerry_VT of VT on 8/16/08 11:50am Msg #260314
I ran all the variations mentioned in this thread through my favorite spell-checker for web postings (Emacs for Windows with Aspell). The only words it complained about were "notarys" and "public's". Of course, it only looks at one word at a time, so since "notary" is OK, and "publics" is OK, it considers "notary publics" OK too.
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Messages in this Thread
 NSA Professional Standards -  MichiganAl on 8/15/08 10:00am
 Well-said! n/m -  MistarellaFL on 8/15/08 12:00pm
 Perfect. n/m -  BrendaTx on 8/15/08 12:30pm
 Re: In Total Agreement n/m -  DellaCa on 8/15/08 12:49pm
 Love it!!! n/m - hcampersFL on 8/15/08 12:53pm
 Excellent Work! - Michelle/AL on 8/15/08 1:01pm
 Well-done! n/m -  LynnNC on 8/15/08 1:29pm
 Except perhaps in Louisiana, notaries are not professionals - Gerry_VT on 8/15/08 2:04pm
 You're right Gerry, but some people don't let definitions -  Charles_Ca on 8/15/08 2:50pm
 I like "notaries professional". -  BrendaTx on 8/15/08 8:34pm
 Charles, let's see how long ... -  ReneeK_MI on 8/16/08 6:07am
 Renee, whatever do you mean? -  MichiganAl on 8/16/08 2:12pm
 Like football,baseball and even bridge players seem to be -  Philip Johnson on 8/16/08 8:05am
 Did they move Vermont to LA? -  ReneeK_MI on 8/16/08 5:52am
 Re: Did they move Vermont to LA? - Gerry_VT on 8/16/08 12:48pm
 My concept of a professional - Gerry_VT on 8/16/08 12:59pm
 Quick definition... - JanetK_CA on 8/16/08 8:53pm
 Re: NSA Professional Standards -  Brenda/CA on 8/15/08 4:03pm
 Now I'd love to take the credit... -  MichiganAl on 8/15/08 5:05pm
 Re: Now I'd love to take the credit... -  Manfred Ronnisch on 8/16/08 7:39pm
 How so? -  MistarellaFL on 8/16/08 8:42pm
 Re: How so? - hcampersFL on 8/16/08 11:57pm
 Re: Now I'd love to take the credit... -  MichiganAl on 8/16/08 9:03pm
 Manfred, I would be happy to share an email I sent to DM -  Becca_FL on 8/17/08 10:00am
 A minor point... -  MikeC/NY on 8/15/08 5:00pm
 Good Point! n/m -  MichiganAl on 8/15/08 5:02pm
 Whew - thanks for that, Mike! =) -  ReneeK_MI on 8/16/08 6:14am
 Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public -  BrendaTx on 8/16/08 6:55am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - I meant -  BrendaTx on 8/16/08 6:57am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public -  jba/fl on 8/16/08 7:09am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - aw heck, jba -  BrendaTx on 8/16/08 7:35am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - aw heck, jba -  jba/fl on 8/16/08 8:31am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - aw heck, jba - Gerry_VT on 8/16/08 11:50am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public - aw heck, jba - JanetK_CA on 8/17/08 3:48am
 Re: Notary Publics vs. Notaries Public -  MikeC/NY on 8/16/08 1:21pm
 Re: NSA Professional Standards -  MW/VA on 8/16/08 6:52am
 on my site, MW =) n/m -  ReneeK_MI on 8/16/08 9:12am
 This is such a worthy post I added it to #33325 n/m -  MistarellaFL on 8/16/08 11:36am
 I agree! Good idea! n/m - JanetK_CA on 8/17/08 3:50am

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