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Re: Copperhead..Im not sure that is fool proof
Posted by JK/TX of TX on 8/17/08 1:14am Msg #260366
yep, and I would not screw up a doc by drawing on it as in striking through sig lines and names below the sig line.... that's stupid....... not to mention.... would that be doc prep??

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Messages in this Thread
 If you are the first notary on a split signing... - CopperheadVA on 8/16/08 6:56pm
 What a MoMo! Another NSA that doesn't understand... -  Becca_FL on 8/16/08 9:43pm's gets even better...check you PM..:) n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 8/16/08 9:50pm
 Copperhead..Im not sure that is fool proof -  JamesLee/VA on 8/16/08 10:38pm
 Re: Copperhead..Im not sure that is fool proof -  Roger_OH on 8/16/08 10:54pm
 Re: Copperhead..Im not sure that is fool proof - JK/TX on 8/17/08 1:14am
 By the way Becca who are you referring to as a MoMo? n/m -  JamesLee/VA on 8/16/08 10:40pm
 I'm sure she was referring to the other notary that crossed - CopperheadVA on 8/17/08 8:35am
 Re: If you are the first notary on a split signing... - CopperheadVA on 8/17/08 7:53am
 Re: If you are the first notary on a split signing... -  MW/VA on 8/17/08 4:37pm

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