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Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer?
Posted by jnew of WI on 1/5/10 6:32pm Msg #316827
Windows Calendar and Desk Calendar as backup
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Messages in this Thread
 What do you use for a planner/organizer? - JanetK_CA on 1/5/10 4:46pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - Ocean Pacific Notary Services, Inc. on 1/5/10 4:56pm
 I use two devices - Michelle/AL on 1/5/10 4:59pm
 Re: I use two devices, (must be a Bama thing, lol) -  Jim/AL on 1/5/10 6:00pm
 Re: I use two devices, (must be a Bama thing, lol) - Michelle/AL on 1/5/10 8:25pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - RickG/CA on 1/5/10 5:05pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - ikando on 1/5/10 5:08pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? -  Notarysigner on 1/5/10 5:16pm
 Remember to back up your electronics including iPhones. -  Glenn Strickler on 1/5/10 6:01pm
 I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable -  Linda_H/FL on 1/5/10 6:04pm
 Re: I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/5/10 7:15pm
 Re: I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable -  Linda_H/FL on 1/5/10 7:18pm
 Re: I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/5/10 7:30pm
 Re: I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable - CopperheadVA on 1/5/10 7:47pm
 Re: I'm a paper person too...much more comfortable -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/5/10 7:53pm
 Blackberry Tour syncs with Outlook, any e-mail accounts, -  Vince/KS on 1/5/10 6:09pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - jnew on 1/5/10 6:32pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - parkerc/ME on 1/5/10 6:37pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - LKT/CA on 1/5/10 8:25pm
 I use an At-A-Glance Calendar, that's about 2ft wide, and 3 - John Schenk on 1/5/10 10:39pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - Ellen Welsh on 1/6/10 10:03am
 My iPod touch - love it! n/m -  BarbaraL_CA on 1/6/10 12:27pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - tmoring on 1/6/10 2:06pm
 Re: What do you use for a planner/organizer? - Lauren Sni on 2/1/12 12:11pm

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