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Re: LIke LoJack?
Posted by  Regal/NC of NC on 1/12/10 2:02pm Msg #317750
Similar to LoJack , but system that can be monitored by the consumer (family).

Here is one I had in mind:

I do a lot of travelling in remote rural areas and folks have been running off the road and not rescued or recovered for several days in some cases.
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Messages in this Thread
 GPS Vehicle Tracking System -  Regal/NC on 1/12/10 1:03pm
 I use a Tom Tom ... -  MrEd_Ca on 1/12/10 1:37pm
 Re: I use a Tom Tom ... -  Regal/NC on 1/12/10 1:43pm
 LIke LoJack? -  PAW on 1/12/10 1:52pm
 Re: LIke LoJack? -  Glenn Strickler on 1/12/10 1:57pm
 Re: LIke LoJack? -  Regal/NC on 1/12/10 2:02pm
 PAW the LoJack product is appealing -  Regal/NC on 1/12/10 2:12pm
 Regal - did you ever get a cost on this? n/m -  jba/fl on 1/15/10 2:36pm
 I would also like to know the cost of the products. n/m -  BrendaTx on 1/15/10 3:12pm
 Re: GPS Vehicle Tracking System -  Doris_CO on 1/12/10 2:50pm
 Doris CO: nice but $60 a month. Not in my budget! n/m -  Regal/NC on 1/12/10 3:06pm
 Re: GPS Vehicle Tracking System - rengel/CA on 1/12/10 3:08pm
 Re: GPS Vehicle Tracking System - Art_PA on 1/12/10 4:15pm
 Re: GPS Vehicle Tracking System - LKT/CA on 1/12/10 4:42pm
 Re: GPS Vehicle Tracking System -  Jim/AL on 1/13/10 8:53am
 FYI a press release from LoJack today. - John Schenk on 1/15/10 1:58pm

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