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Re: Attorney Only States
Posted by Art_MD of ? on 5/12/05 12:19pm Msg #37335
Attorney only states - GA, DE, WV, MA, SC may be one or two more. Also, laws could have changed.

IL - requires some type of license.
MD - Requires Title Producer's License
TX - Can't do helocs

May be more info coming in other responses.

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Messages in this Thread
 Attorney Only States - Nizzy on 5/12/05 12:11pm
 Re: Attorney Only States - Art_MD on 5/12/05 12:19pm
 Re: Attorney Only States - Camille on 5/12/05 12:38pm
 Re: Camille - Art_MD on 5/12/05 12:45pm
 Texas - Helocs... -  BrendaTX on 5/12/05 1:12pm

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