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Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway!
Posted by Mysti_FL of FL on 5/14/05 12:15am Msg #37701
Hi, had a full, crazy day and was wondering how everyone else's day went. I spoke to a LO at GMC and a rep at the signing agency. Both were going crazy with the volume, wishing the day would end.

I had no assignments for the first two weeks, then -BAM- I get one last night that I had been assigned a week ago but it had cancelled and was two and a half hours away (back home and in bed at 1:00 AM). Today, I had to leave home at 7:30 for a 9:00 AM, finished it and returned home, printed docs, went to a 12:00 (had no breakfast and no lunch), finished it, returned home and printed docs, went to a 4:00 and then went to dinner. Now it is 1:00 AM and I'm beat!!!

Anyone else experienced a hectic (or scary day)??

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Messages in this Thread
 Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - Mysti_FL on 5/14/05 12:15am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - Barry on 5/14/05 12:40am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - ERNA_CA on 5/14/05 3:22am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - Donna CA on 5/14/05 3:29am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - Becca/FL on 5/14/05 7:41am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! -  HisHughness on 5/14/05 10:41am
 Re: Friday the 13th.....Crazy Day....Down Here Anyway! - Mysti_FL on 5/14/05 12:45pm

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