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Does anyone have someone working under them?
Posted by Cherilyn in CO of ? on 5/16/05 10:38am Msg #38015
What I mean is that I have someone with limited experience that wants some signings under her belt. She went to the NNA training and got certified.

If I agree to a signing, but send her out, how does that work? I realize that I will be liable for any of her mistakes. Do signing services even allow this?

Of course, I won't send her to any title or esrow company jobs, or anything too complicated. I get some easy HELOC's that I'm sure she can handle. I turn down quite a few every month, but if she's helping me, I won't have to.

Can I even do this? You're advice is appreciated.
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Messages in this Thread
 Does anyone have someone working under them? - Cherilyn in CO on 5/16/05 10:38am
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - TN NOtary on 5/16/05 11:14am
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - Cas A. Nova MA on 5/16/05 12:13pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - MaggieMae_CA on 5/16/05 12:36pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - Art_MD on 5/16/05 1:24pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - ERNA_CA on 5/16/05 1:39pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - TN Notary on 5/16/05 5:34pm
 I guess I'm mentoring... - Cherilyn in CO on 5/16/05 4:02pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - TN Notary on 5/16/05 5:33pm
 Re: Does anyone have someone working under them? - kg/ca on 5/16/05 5:59pm

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