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Re: Living Trust
Posted by John E. Rogers of OH on 11/22/11 4:30pm Msg #404747
Suggestion: Check your Calif Notary Handbook for guidelines; then the issuer of the doc. The Calif handbook should provide guidelines. If you are a member of the NNA, check best practices for common signing protocol. Good luck. jer/Ohio
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Messages in this Thread
 Living Trust - snowy/CA on 11/19/11 10:29am
 Re: Living Trust -  HARRY_PA on 11/19/11 10:41am
 Re: Living Trust -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:00am
 if private, you should tell them whether not you -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:18am
 Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:25am
 Re: Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:31am
 I've never been questioned about my experience for -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:34am
 you're fortunate then...Snowy, take Linda's -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:52am
 Re: Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request - Mike Goodey on 11/21/11 11:36am
 Re: Living Trust - desktopfull on 11/19/11 12:11pm
 Re: Living Trust -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 12:15pm
 Re: Living Trust - CopperheadVA on 11/19/11 11:11am
 Signers or document authors are the ones who -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:14am
 Re: Signers or document authors are the ones who -  LynnNC on 11/19/11 11:56am
 Re: Signers or document authors are the ones who -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/11 12:29am
 Re: Living Trust - John E. Rogers on 11/22/11 4:30pm
 Re: Living Trust - snowy/CA on 11/22/11 4:36pm

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