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Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away!
Posted by NotaryGirl_CA of ? on 6/13/05 9:29am Msg #44235
OK... OK.... I am now starting to think I could have made some good scratch for the $50 fee. I was working for a SS that only paid $50. I stopped because I has to pick up doc's at TC, and then drop them off after the signing at the SS's door. Too much driving around and time, so I asked for more... they said no... and I haven't heard from again. Thing is I was getting ton's of calls from them, sometimes 3 a day. So my concern is I burned a bridge that would made me consistant money and kept me busy. I am getting very bored, and started painting, which isn't paying my bill's. I may eat crow and ask the SS to call me again.
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Messages in this Thread
 Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - TulsaPRLGL on 6/12/05 5:53pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - John_NorCal on 6/12/05 8:27pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - Jimmy_FL on 6/12/05 8:43pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - DMARTZ_IN on 6/12/05 9:48pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - John_NorCal on 6/12/05 9:54pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! - NotaryGirl_CA on 6/13/05 9:29am
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! -  CarolynCO on 6/13/05 9:57am
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! To:NotaryGirl_CA - John_NorCal on 6/13/05 10:03am
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! To:NotaryGirl_CA - NoataryGirl_CA on 6/13/05 1:52pm
 Re: Argh! $50 for city 1 hour away! To:NotaryGirl_CA -  CarolynCO on 6/13/05 2:19pm

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