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Re: need help printing docs from lenders first choice.
Posted by PW California of ? on 7/23/05 3:32pm Msg #54155
I had to go into my control panel and click on to a converter Icon for default printer and it worked don't really understand it but it worked.

Since you have worked a lot for them maybe you could help me, first time for me. I couldn't find a deed of trust and they future dated a disbursment affidavit. Also the Closing Package Checklist / condition sheet is confusing is this something I need to pay close attention to alot of stuff that doesn't seem to apply with the signing. I will call them on Monday morning but my signing is also Monday. Also do you have your own account? I was told they would call me when it was viewable on the web but I never received a call. I called back after hours an this man gave me an account number for the loan signing service and I was able to print from there
I hope you can help me make since of some of this.

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Messages in this Thread
 need help printing docs from lenders first choice. - PW California on 7/22/05 8:41pm
 Re: need help printing docs from lenders first choice. - tara pa on 7/22/05 9:16pm
 Re: need help printing docs from lenders first choice. - CA_Jeanet on 7/23/05 12:58am
 Re: need help printing docs from lenders first choice. - PW California on 7/23/05 3:32pm

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