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Someone sent this to me today
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 3/28/22 11:47pm Msg #639116
Stop lowballing your business to satisfy cheap people. They pay full price for Jordan's and Michael Kors, they can pay you your fee too..

Speaking of which, this is a SD offer for earlier today...


Are you available for a signing in XXXXXX, CA on March 28 at ASAP?
Mon Mar 28 at ASAP

Your fee
Courier Fee

Courier - Email 1099 from OPM and FULL trust. Please be familiar with trust docs.

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Messages in this Thread
 Someone sent this to me today -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/28/22 11:47pm
 What a joke offer! n/m - ananotary on 3/29/22 8:38am
 Not a joke offer. It's insulting! -  Yoli/CA on 3/29/22 9:53am
 I was curious about that too... - Linda_H/FL on 3/29/22 10:41am
 Re: I was curious about that too... - SteveS/CA on 3/29/22 10:47am
 Before you decide to try to negotiate... -  JanetK_CA on 3/29/22 4:07pm
 History on this forum -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/29/22 12:23pm
 P.S. -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/29/22 11:41am
 Re: P.S. -- Please clarify ... -  Yoli/CA on 3/29/22 12:57pm
 Re: P.S. -- Please clarify ... -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/29/22 4:05pm
 Re: Someone sent this to me today - pdl/cali on 3/29/22 9:40pm
 Re: Someone sent this to me today -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/30/22 8:49am
 Re: Someone sent this to me today -- 1099 OPM -  Yoli/CA on 3/30/22 8:55am

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