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Re: OMG! I think I’m going to be dismissed…..
Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 3/30/22 5:21pm Msg #639184
All the wrongs don't make it right. We get that time and time again in the biz, and bottom line, they couldn't care about us and our career, it's about them doing what they want even if wrong, they try and sell it on us anyway to get it done fast. Just because the last notary did it doesn't mean you do. If that was the case, they need to call that last notary. Good for you Alz. Be glad if they never call you back. No business is better than the shady business that can come back in the future.
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Messages in this Thread
 OMG! I think I’m going to be dismissed….. - Alz on 3/30/22 3:00pm
 Re: OMG! I think I’m going to be dismissed….. -  Yoli/CA on 3/30/22 3:21pm
 Re: OMG! I think I’m going to be dismissed….. - PaigeTurner on 3/30/22 5:21pm
 Maybe you dodged a bullet... -  JanetK_CA on 3/30/22 6:31pm
 Attorneys have their own way to doing things. I had done -  MW/VA on 3/30/22 6:41pm
 C'est la vie! Can't make em all happy! -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/30/22 8:25pm
 Yes, always. In fact, received a new client this afternoon. n/m - Alz on 3/30/22 8:31pm
 Re: Yes, always. In fact, received a new client this afternoon. - pdl/cali on 3/30/22 10:01pm
 One door closes, a better 1 opens. Congrats on new client! n/m -  Yoli/CA on 3/31/22 9:03am

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