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Re: New Loan Signing Agent....Andrea
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 9/30/23 9:50am Msg #646875
You said "Im trying to get more signings under my belt before I start marketing to local Title Companies. "

I don't know about your area, but I checked the title companies around my area (my county and surrounding counties) - every one of them offers RON closings (online closings). So unless you're going to get your RON commission in TX, I'd suggest you check around your local title companies (you can just check their websites or their advertising sites via google search) - see if they're still doing traditional signings or are moving to strictly RON and, if strictly RON, would they be willing to help you with the technology setup.

Just a thought. Best of luck
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Messages in this Thread
 New Loan Signing Agent - Andrea Sands on 9/29/23 2:25pm
 Re: New Loan Signing Agent -  JanetK_CA on 9/29/23 7:08pm
 Re: New Loan Signing Agent -  Expeditor on 9/30/23 2:09am
 Re: New Loan Signing Agent - SteveS/CA on 9/30/23 9:03am
 Re: New Loan Signing Agent....Andrea - Linda_H/FL on 9/30/23 9:50am

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