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Re: New to Me signing company.
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/4/23 4:59pm Msg #647296
Most would probably say 'run', but I prefer 'depends'... Most of the time, the best answer is probably to run, but once in a rare while those types of things come from someone who has a contract and/or a good relationship with a local title company or two with mostly local work. So my approach has been to talk to the scheduler or owner (preferably) and ask lots of questions. [In my experience, you have a better chance if the person you're talking to is an owner/operator themselves and not a scheduler (with a salary to be paid).]

The last time I accepted one of those exceptions was from another notary with a title co relationship. She not only sounded professional and knowledgeable, but she offered a rate I was fine with and said she pays right away - not waiting until she gets paid. Magic words, IMO, and she was true to her word. The vast majority of the time, I don't accept.
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Messages in this Thread
 New to Me signing company. - Hiram on 12/4/23 3:32pm
 Re: New to Me signing company. -  JanetK_CA on 12/4/23 4:59pm
 Re: New to Me signing company. - csign on 12/4/23 6:33pm
 Re: New to Me signing company. - Rina Hightower on 12/8/23 1:41pm

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