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Hammermill Staples paper sale
Posted by anotaryinva of VA on 12/11/23 3:41pm Msg #647359
$34.99 case of 10 delivered, there’s a 10% off coupon too.
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Messages in this Thread
 Hammermill Staples paper sale - anotaryinva on 12/11/23 3:41pm
 Is this the same as the post from the other day? - Linda_H/FL on 12/11/23 6:38pm
 Re: Is this the same as the post from the other day? -  JanetK_CA on 12/12/23 1:38am
 Re: Is this the same as the post from the other day? - anotaryinva on 12/12/23 4:53am
 Re: Is this the same as the post from the other day? - anotaryinva on 12/12/23 4:57am
 Weird how this works. I get the $39 when 'clicking' - Lee/AR on 12/12/23 8:33am
 Re: Weird how this works. I get the $39 when - anotaryinva on 12/12/23 11:26am

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