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Finding a place for a certificate
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 1/25/24 4:48pm Msg #647635
In Msg #647633 Expeditor wrote about GNW, when a client wants a form required by the government to be notarized but the certificate isn't acceptable in the notary's state. Some clients had the form notarized and the notary attached a loose certificate, and the government rejected it. Expeditor suggested using a stamp so a loose certificate wouldn't be needed.

I don't have a stamp. There were a few ideas I have in case this comes up, but I'm not sure if they'll work.

1. Most forms are on letter-size paper. Copy the form onto legal-size paper and write the certificate in the extra space that now is at the bottom.

2. Some forms are single-sided. Put the certificate on the other side.
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 Finding a place for a certificate - VT_Syrup on 1/25/24 4:48pm

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