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Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else?
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 7/28/24 11:59am Msg #648932
I'm suddenly busy, not sure why. This month will be a 12 month high for both # and $. It seems that Mondays are busy (if scheduled the week before) and Thursday and Fridays are busy, but usually with same day signings. One the keys of success is keeping your schedule open so you can get same days and just as important standing your ground and not taking low ball offers, especially with the same days. Last week there was a remote signing at a crazy offer considering it was a 90 minute drive one-way, that no one took for 2 days. I finally countered at $300 and it was approved! No problem if they pay, right?
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Messages in this Thread
 Deadly quiet. Any one else? -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/25/24 11:42pm
 Just the platform lowballers w/same day jobs 100 miles away - Lee/AR on 7/26/24 7:26am
 Very similar to Lee/AR -  Yoli/CA on 7/26/24 8:03am
 Re: Very similar to Lee/AR - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 10:13am
 Re: Very similar to Lee/AR -  Expeditor on 7/31/24 4:59pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Bear900/CA on 7/26/24 11:41pm
 That explains the canudo blasts 1 hr. before Appt. - Lee/AR on 7/27/24 9:43am
 Re: That explains the canudo blasts 1 hr. before Appt. - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 3:11pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 7/28/24 11:59am
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/28/24 8:03pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 3:14pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Leo_FL on 7/30/24 7:52am

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