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OT Brenda
Posted by Iris_WA of WA on 9/19/05 4:05pm Msg #66053
Sorry *cough cough* I won't be able to help you pack and move. Smiley

Seriously, I just finished unpacking from my own move a few months ago. I sorta/kinda know what you're up against, and I wish you all the best with it. It will be wonderful to get into that new Condo. Be sure to periodically double-check and ensure you haven't packed Mr. or Mrs. Dog into one of the boxes! (Okay, okay! Maybe that's only something >I< would do to my cat!)

Much luck & happiness. Smiley
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 Internet loans vs. local - Anonymous on 9/18/05 10:23pm
 Re: Internet loans vs. local -  Renee Kovacs on 9/19/05 4:28am
 Re: Internet loans vs. local - MBCA on 9/19/05 8:42am
 BrendaTX "life of a loan" -  TitleGalCA on 9/19/05 11:03am
 Re: BrendaTX "life of a loan" - SarahBeth_CA on 9/19/05 11:50am
 Added the Life of a Loan to 33325... - BrendaTX on 9/19/05 1:10pm
 What 1-2-3 steps are needed to add a post to thread? N/M - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 1:46pm
 Re: What 1-2-3 steps - IRIS... -  BrendaTX on 9/19/05 1:54pm
 BRENDA - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 2:09pm
 P.S. Re: BRENDA - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 2:25pm
 Re: Iris... -  Charm_AL on 9/19/05 2:39pm
 Re: Iris... Charm - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 3:25pm
 Re: BRENDA - BrendaTX on 9/19/05 3:33pm
 Re: Seinfeld Trivia and Iris -  Melissa Mills on 9/19/05 3:06pm
 Re: Seinfeld Trivia and Iris -- Melissa - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 5:55pm
 Re: What 1-2-3 - Iris... - BrendaTX on 9/19/05 3:29pm
 Re: What 1-2-3 - Iris... - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 3:45pm
 OT Brenda - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 4:05pm
 Re: OT Brenda - BrendaTX on 9/19/05 4:32pm
 GREAT information & post--Thanks, Renee :) - N/M - Iris_WA on 9/19/05 12:34pm
 Re: GREAT information & post--Thanks, Renee :) - N/M -  Renee Kovacs on 9/20/05 4:40am

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