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The Dirty Dozen
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 4/10/15 7:31am Msg #528599
I know a few culprits...I need help with the others to pass on to CFBP "tell your story".

Please feel free to join the pile on.

1) Accurate National Signings (Kirkish et al) owing notaries $40K
2) SOX (Debra Vladic), then Always Signing, owing notaries thousands
3) Home Signings, previously Final Link, now Screaming Signings
4) Quick Signings (notary signing agent in Virginia got spoofed for $1000 by Taz Alsibai)
5) The Notary Biz (Liz Zeek Heug, also treasurer of OC German Shepherd Rescue)
6) HVR Notaries (Hector Vides just closed his doors, sending NSAs 1099s for money they never were paid)

Any to add? Pretty sure we can get to 12, at least. Above are the most NOTORIOUS of all.
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Messages in this Thread
 The Dirty Dozen -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/10/15 7:31am
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  Linda_H/FL on 4/10/15 7:41am
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  Linda_H/FL on 4/10/15 7:43am
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/10/15 7:44am
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  FGX/NJ on 4/10/15 7:46am
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/10/15 7:48am
 Not too far off task. Just link the two points - BearPaw/CO on 4/10/15 12:59pm
 Re: Not too far off task. Just link the two points -  FGX/NJ on 4/10/15 1:42pm
 Re: Not too far off task. Just link the two points - BearPaw/CO on 4/10/15 1:54pm
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  garland/CA on 4/10/15 2:36pm
 Re: The Dirty Dozen -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/10/15 4:18pm
 Re: The Dirty Dozen - jba/fl on 4/10/15 5:16pm
 Yeah ... not so "Speedy" n/m -  John/CT on 4/10/15 8:00pm
 Re: The Dirty Dozen - Linda Juenger on 4/10/15 11:53pm
 Re: The Dirty Dozen - jba/fl on 4/11/15 12:23pm

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