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Ideal / Trodat Rubber Stamp Refill Ink

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Ideal / Trodat Rubber Stamp Refill Ink
Product Number: 105363
Ideal / Trodat Rubber Stamp Refill Ink. This product has multiple versions. Please select one using the Choose a Version box.
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Water-based stamp ink for use with self-inking stamps and rubber stamp pads.

2 fluid ounce bottle. Compatible with Trodat Printy (4912, 4913, and other models), Vision, Ideal, 2000 Plus Printer (30, 40, and other models) and many other brands of self-inking rubber stamps and pads.

Each 2 fluid ounce (60 cc.) bottle contains enough ink for thousands of additional stamp impressions.

When re-inking, ink may be applied directly to a stamp's built-in stamp pad in most cases. If your stamp included re-inking holes, they may also be used. Pleaes follow the directions for your stamp.

Price: $6.00
Premier Member: $4.00


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