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Notary Rotary

California Notary - Fun Stuff

We have made it very easy to order high quality, professional notary supplies meeting California state requirements. To get started, simply complete the following order form and click Next. Stamps are ready for shipping the day we receive your original Certificate of Authorization to Manufacture Notary Public Seals.

Notary Info and Product Selection - Notary 1
Official Name:
Commission #:
Comm. Expiration: (mm/dd/yyyy)
If ordering a notary stamp or seal, we must have your original Certificate of Authorization before we can ship your order. If you also need a notary bond, you should consider placing a separate order to avoid any delay. After placing your seal order, mail your certificate to:

Notary Rotary
PO Box 41400
Des Moines, IA 50311-0507

Replacement certificates can be requested from the California Secretary of State.
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Tuxedo Self-inking Artistic Stamp. This product has multiple versions. Please select one using the Choose a Version box.
Customizable, self-inking return address stamp.

The Tuxedo round Artistic Stamp features an impression size of 1.75".

Customize your stamp with your name, address, and city, state and ZIP code. Ideal for stamping envelope flaps, holiday mail and other correspondence. Thousands of impressions. Can be refilled using compatible ink or by replacing the ink cartridge.
Price: $29.95

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500 New York Ave, Des Moines, IA 50313.