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Vector Model 4913 Massachusetts Notary Stamp

Our Massachusetts stamps, seals and journals comply with all aspects of the Governor's Executive Order affecting Massachusetts notaries public. We recommend a Vector notary stamp and a Modern Journal.

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Comm. Expiration: (mm/dd/yyyy)
If ordering a stamp or seal, please make sure the Official Name and Commission Expiration date you provide above are exactly the same as the name and expiration date on your notary commission.
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Vector Model 4913 Massachusetts Notary Stamp
Product Number: 110560
Vector Model 4913 Massachusetts Notary Stamp
Click for details
Model 4913

Durable, high-quality self-inker

Features a see-thru base and replaceable ink cartridge

The Vector self-inking notary seal stamp is durable and inexpensive. Features include:
  1. A clear base so you can see exactly where you are stamping
  2. A refillable ink cartridge, allowing you to add thousands more impressions to your stamp
  3. A replaceable ink cartridge, allowing you to change ink colors by changing cartridges
  4. 100% compatibility with the Ideal series of stamps
  5. Water-based ink, resulting in very little bleed-through
The Vector will produce thousands of high quality impressions before needing to be re-inked. It's hard to go wrong with this stamp.
Price: $15.95


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