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Oklahoma Jurat Stamp - Titan

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Oklahoma Jurat Stamp - Titan
Product Number: 116643
Oklahoma Jurat Stamp - Titan
Click for details
This stamp contains approved notarial wording for a Oklahoma jurat. The use of a stamp is strongly recommended over a loose certificate. This is not a seal stamp.

If you are administering an oath or affirmation and your affidavit lacks the wording for a jurat, this handy stamp can be used to add the jurat text directly to your document (provided you have a small amount of blank space available). Using a jurat stamp has the following advantages over attaching a loose-leaf jurat:

 • Cannot be detached/more secure
 • Easier to photocopy
 • Less expensive

The Titan will produce thousands of impressions before having to be re-inked.
Price: $18.95


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