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Re: Marinara Sauce
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 4/4/18 6:48pm Msg #30164
Love the idea! My garden is all new but I can get a recipe and ingredients and give it a go.

I just returned from the Atascadero farmer's market to see my heirloom tomato and vegie lady. She's my only source for Castaluto Fiorentino (sp?) and castaluto genevese tomato plants.

Hate that Cuesta grade! Risking my life for some dumb plants. Great tasting/slicing tomatoes that gave into January last year.
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Messages in this Thread
 I've been eating like a Pig! ...and losing wieght... - Bear900/CA on 3/22/18 10:52am
 Look at you! Getting in shape and shedding - NVLSlady/VA on 3/22/18 12:52pm
 In case Ms. Shaw is reading... - NVLSlady/VA on 3/22/18 1:00pm
 Re: Look at you! Getting in shape and shedding - Bear900/CA on 3/22/18 3:37pm
 Marinara Sauce -  janCA on 4/3/18 9:00am
 Re: Marinara Sauce- make your own. - NVLSlady/VA on 4/3/18 11:19am
 Re: Marinara Sauce - Bear900/CA on 4/4/18 6:48pm
 Re: Pesto Sauce - Bear900/CA on 4/6/18 12:27am

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