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Agree, Peggy. We are PROFESSIONALS, we need to act that way
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 11/17/17 10:13pmMsg #586668
This forum has a lot of healing to do. After more than two years of being sabotaged by mem bers who didn't even like this board, the owners or long time members, it's time we turned this ship around around and treated each other with the kind of respect we would know, DO UNTO OTHERS.

I advertise on that site, I have known JB for a long time. We are all different. If you don't like his blog, it's simple, don't read it, but more than that, don't bring it over here and disect it and run it down, ignore it.

We need to treat others the way we want to be treated. I found this entire thread very sad and disappointing.

Let's be better than that. From now on and forever! BE KINDER, HAVE EMPATHY, GROW!
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Messages in this Thread
 Numbers went too far - Bluespiano42 on 11/17/17 12:30pm
 No, where's it at? His place? n/m - Luckydog on 11/17/17 12:32pm
 what's the blog titled? I'll get some popcorn :) n/m -  sigtogo/OR on 11/17/17 12:33pm
 Re: what - Bluespiano42 on 11/17/17 12:39pm
 Re: Numbers went too far - Luckydog on 11/17/17 12:38pm
 Re: Numbers went too far - Bluespiano42 on 11/17/17 12:41pm
 Re: Numbers went too far - Luckydog on 11/17/17 1:45pm
 Re: Numbers went too far He need to grow up and walk -  OR on 11/18/17 10:18am
 Whoever wrote that needs a checkup from the neck up n/m - jnew on 11/17/17 12:59pm
 That has to be one of THE most tasteless blog posts - Linda_H/FL on 11/17/17 1:44pm
 Re: That has to be one of THE most tasteless blog posts - anotaryinva on 11/17/17 2:10pm
 As I've said before back when I listed there - Linda_H/FL on 11/17/17 2:20pm
 It's a known fact that he's mentally unstable. Yes, there -  MW/VA on 11/17/17 3:00pm
 Re: It - Luckydog on 11/17/17 5:12pm
 He doesn't represent any co. It's a listing site for -  MW/VA on 11/17/17 7:34pm
 Agree, Peggy. We are PROFESSIONALS, we need to act that way -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/17/17 10:13pm
 I understand that you feel the comments are inappropriate -  MW/VA on 11/18/17 10:09am
 Also, in light of recent events in LasVegas, Texas, etc., we -  MW/VA on 11/18/17 10:47am
 Staying professional, holding to the high ground... -  JanetK_CA on 11/18/17 1:10pm
 If you truly feel JB is a threat to public safety ...... - BearPaw/CO on 11/18/17 2:03pm
 Re: If you truly feel JB is a threat to public safety ...... - Luckydog on 11/18/17 3:36pm
 LD: Yikes! This is NOT directed at you in any way. - BearPaw/CO on 11/18/17 5:11pm
 Jumped the gun, my mistake. Sorry n/m - Luckydog on 11/18/17 5:43pm
 Re: If you truly feel JB is a threat to public safety ...... -  JanetK_CA on 11/18/17 5:18pm
 Thanks. I can completely see that I should have been -  MW/VA on 11/18/17 5:45pm
 Re: Thanks. I can completely see that I should have been - Luckydog on 11/18/17 7:01pm
 I called NR & asked them to remove my reply. I do see how -  MW/VA on 11/20/17 2:12pm
 Defamation- might want to research - Carolyn Bodley on 11/18/17 9:41pm
 Re: Numbers went too far - jnew on 11/19/17 7:02pm
 Re: Numbers went too far - Expeditor on 11/20/17 8:40pm
 I don't have a dog in this fight ... - Carolyn Bodley on 11/20/17 11:51pm
 Re: Numbers went too far -  sparky/NM on 1/9/18 2:14pm

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