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Look at you! Getting in shape and shedding
Posted by NVLSlady/VA of VA on 3/22/18 12:52pm Msg #30120
2 lbs each week! Hope all goes well.

I've seen the marinara sauce at TJ's but will definitely check out the low cal; haven't eaten spaghetti, in a long time though (no pasta or fruit, Doc's orders). But I do love ground turkey and neither me or my family haven't cooked up ground beef in years; it's lean and if well-seasoned works just as well.

Now, as for the choc chip cookie . . . I don't see me breaking up with Betty C brand anytime soon - but you say Kashi is great...

I've been taking as much apple cider vinegar as I can stand before my last meal and have just ordered a case of Fig leaf tea at my dad's behest (couldn't find individual loose leaf jars - everyone was out and neither of us could find in our respective cities); I ordered directly from a food distributor in Va.

As for cleansing (that's a whole 'nother topic), I'm testing the waters (so to speak) on a magnesium powder; I have a very stubborn digestive system. I'm really hoping the fig tea will work Wink

TJs carries some organic dried fruit I like to snack on but I didn't tell the endocrinologist and he said my sugar was higher than previous visit (sigh).

p.s. Try their turkey burgers and roasted veggie lasagna (just don't tell Dr. C I indulge in that pasta every so often).
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Messages in this Thread
 I've been eating like a Pig! ...and losing wieght... - Bear900/CA on 3/22/18 10:52am
 Look at you! Getting in shape and shedding - NVLSlady/VA on 3/22/18 12:52pm
 In case Ms. Shaw is reading... - NVLSlady/VA on 3/22/18 1:00pm
 Re: Look at you! Getting in shape and shedding - Bear900/CA on 3/22/18 3:37pm
 Marinara Sauce -  janCA on 4/3/18 9:00am
 Re: Marinara Sauce- make your own. - NVLSlady/VA on 4/3/18 11:19am
 Re: Marinara Sauce - Bear900/CA on 4/4/18 6:48pm
 Re: Pesto Sauce - Bear900/CA on 4/6/18 12:27am

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