The owners of the NNA are actually neighbors. They just built a nice new abode in Montecito not far from downtown Santa Barbara. C1243331 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION
Registration Date: 04/11/1984 Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA Entity Type: DOMESTIC NONPROFIT Status: ACTIVE Agent for Service of Process:
To find the most current California registered Corporate Agent for Service of Process address and authorized employee(s) information, click the link above and then select the most current 1505 Certificate. Entity Address: 9350 DE SOTO AVE CHATSWORTH CA 91313 Entity Mailing Address: 9350 DE SOTO AVE CHATSWORTH CA 91313
They do file their SOS business entity statement annually as a domestic nonprofit entity. Well, someone is profitting. Big salaries for the people at the top. Everyone else is a grunt. If you visit glassdoor, you will see they've tried to upgrade their reiews of their company. Last year when I looked at it, they had mostly bad reviews primarily by employees who felt management was indifferent and pay was low. No overtime allowed, and they worked hard with no oppportunity to move up in the organization. It's a revolving door. No wonder their help desk is so unhelpful.
It's a sad state of affairs that notaries don't have a professional organization that actually promotes its members rather than trying to scam them constantly. I watched some of the videos of the panel sessions in NV in June, and I was not impressed in the least.