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I switched from a desktop version of Quickbooks Simple Start
Posted by  MW/VA of VA on 9/23/18 10:46am Msg #598796
I was using for many years to NotaryGadget, which is fairly new. I think they offer a free trial. Like most things now, it's a monthly subscription at about $10/mo. So far it's working well for me.
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Messages in this Thread
 Does anyone use software to track your assignments? - Francis X Daly on 9/22/18 12:59pm
 Re: Does anyone use software to track your assignments? - SteveS/CA on 9/22/18 3:42pm
 I use N*O*TARY Assist for the last four years and love it - ananotary on 9/22/18 4:38pm
 I don't know why the system won't accept that name. It's -  MW/VA on 9/23/18 10:47am
 Yes, wouldn't be w/o Nota*ry Assist software - cloud-based -  Christine/OK on 9/23/18 7:14am
 I switched from a desktop version of Quickbooks Simple Start -  MW/VA on 9/23/18 10:46am
 I use 3" x 4-1/2" At A Glance book. Fits in my shirt pocket. n/m - Colonel/IA on 9/25/18 11:01am
 Re: I use 3" x 4-1/2" At A Glance book. Fits in my shirt pocket. - ananotary on 9/25/18 3:48pm
 Re: Me, too! - Sue on 9/26/18 3:30pm
 Re: Me, too! - ananotary on 9/26/18 6:45pm
 I've been using Google calendar on my cell phone for years. -  JanetK_CA on 9/26/18 7:56pm
 Re: I - ananotary on 9/26/18 9:46pm

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