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Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Joy Karavedas of CA on 5/16/16 11:33pm Msg #552214
I'm pretty new as well (about a month or so into it). I have signed up with several of the agencies on Signing Central and found most use "SnapDocs." I've received several text messages but never seem to be the one chosen - even when I respond almost immediately. How have you found the California Notary market? Some say it may be saturated. Thoughts?
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Messages in this Thread
 Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - Cathie Nichols on 6/4/03 5:14pm
 Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - Donna Sharp on 5/17/04 3:27pm
 Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - CaSigner on 2/16/05 11:54pm
 Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tara_CA on 8/19/05 1:32am
 Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - Joy Karavedas on 5/16/16 11:33pm
 Re: Got my first call already!!!!!!!!!!!! - Felicia on 5/17/16 11:13am

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