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Re: Re:MySignings....
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/20/18 3:55pm Msg #590068
I'm another one of those who parted company with TSI when they dropped their fees. There were so many within 25 miles of me who were willing to work for fees much lower than mine that I decided it wasn't worth the aggravation. (But I've been at this since 2002... Wink) It's saved me lots of headaches and stress, but I understand that everyone's situation is different.

As for competition, I believe that the Find A Notary list will only ever include the top 25 geographically closest to area searched paid members, and the top 10 unpaid members. So probably the best indicator of numbers of competitors is to look at how far away is the last person listed in the 'free' section. (For me, it's 3.6 miles.)

Greg, TSI aside, you might want to consider offering a more business-like photo in your profile. Things may be laid back where you live, but many schedulers are used to a different environment. Wink In this market, every edge counts! The purpose of a photo isn't just for them to see what you look like. It's your best chance to make a first impression - and why not make it as professional as possible? If you're in business, you should present yourself that way.

For most people, that means an individual head shot in reasonably professional attire. (Doesn't have to be a suit, but if you're in jeans, don't let them see that... Wink A nice button-down shirt - with a tie, even better - will do nicely.) With a good camera on nearly every phone these days, this should be easy to accomplish, so there's really no excuse anymore. Your future clients may feel the same way... JMHO.
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Messages in this Thread
 TITLE SOURCE: Is anyone receiving signings? -  Greg Wilson on 2/19/18 5:18pm
 Re: TITLE SOURCE: Is anyone receiving signings? -  Pamela/CA on 2/19/18 5:27pm
 Yes -  NJW/FL on 2/19/18 6:54pm
 Re: Yes -  Greg Wilson on 2/19/18 9:04pm
 Re: First, go to My Signings and check your profile -  Greg Wilson on 2/19/18 9:14pm
 Re:MySignings.... -  Pamela/CA on 2/19/18 9:59pm
 it is incredibly slow...... n/m - notarydi/CA on 2/20/18 9:28am
 Re: Re:MySignings.... -  JanetK_CA on 2/20/18 3:55pm
 Msg #589912 - Probably isn't just you. - NVLSlady/VA on 2/20/18 10:06am
 Re: First, go to My Signings and check your profile - cremevette on 2/22/18 7:26am
 Re: TITLE SOURCE: Is anyone receiving signings? -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/20/18 10:14am
 Re: TITLE SOURCE: Is anyone receiving signings? - FeliseSoCal on 2/20/18 4:39pm
 Re: TITLE SOURCE: Is anyone receiving signings? -  JanetK_CA on 2/20/18 6:35pm
 App Closings - Signerbill on 2/20/18 11:30am
 Re: App Closings - SteveS/CA on 2/20/18 11:56am
 Re: App Closings - NVLSlady/VA on 2/20/18 4:22pm

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