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HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330
Posted by SpeedyNotary of MN on 5/12/04 11:12am Msg #1966
1) While several recommend the 3300, does anyone recommend the 3330 which includes the auto document feeder?

2) Often packages have both legal and letter documents. Will the 3300 print both letter and legal automatically(meaning can you put some legal paper in the priority feed tray)? Will the 3300 pull the right size paper between legal and letter automatically?

3) OR, the specs on the 3330 indicates that it has two trays, thus, will it switch automatically between sizes?

I will spend up if it is worth it. Thanks in advance. --SpeedyNotary.

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Messages in this Thread
 HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - SpeedyNotary on 5/12/04 11:12am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 -  PAW Notary Services on 5/12/04 12:19pm
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - Pam Gibson on 5/13/04 9:28am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - SpeedyNotary on 5/14/04 1:47am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - Joan-OH on 5/14/04 9:32pm

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