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Posted by  BrendaTX of TX on 11/29/04 12:01pmMsg #12192
Fox on SOX:
"I was getting fed up with them last month...They were 70 days late on payment, but I finally received payment in full...after calling them DAILY for a week straight. THATS WHAT IT TAKES! WE NEED A LIST OF COMPANIES THAT PAY LATE OR NOT AT ALL!! WE NEED THIS NOW!"

Fox -

There are a couple of ways to get this information:

Best Way: Get a notebook and start yourself a list. I will try all but about 3 signing companies at least once. So far, I have collected 100% of my invoices.

Another Way: eMail me and I will send you some links to have a look at - I do not promote the idea of a published Bad List, but I do know where you can find one.

Another Way: Visit's pretty orange search button and search for companies that call you to go to work.

Another Way: Visit every forum you know of and search each of them for "No No"

Every forum *I* know of is on my website (mixed in with directories that list notaries).


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 SIGN ON THE X - Anonymous on 6/17/03 8:56am
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Brandy Presnell on 5/3/04 7:48pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - linsin on 5/3/04 10:42pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Bob/Ney York on 5/4/04 6:33am
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - SHELLY on 5/12/04 12:07pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Tammy Jurgens on 5/12/04 12:38pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Anonymous on 5/12/04 5:20pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Anonymous2 on 5/14/04 2:21am
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Bob/New York on 5/14/04 7:15am
 SIGN ON THE X - Indiana Notary on 2/15/05 2:10am
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - pattijay on 5/16/04 5:11pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - nsa on 5/16/04 8:07pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Anonymous on 5/16/04 9:24pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Cheryl Elliott on 5/17/04 2:09pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Anonymous on 5/17/04 6:25pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Oregon on 6/23/04 9:27pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Thankful on 5/14/04 6:35pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Fox in PA on 11/29/04 1:30am
 Re: SIGN ON THE X -  BrendaTX on 11/29/04 12:01pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Sharon H. - MN on 6/2/05 8:14pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Jtvale_PA on 3/1/06 10:51pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X -  Realstar on 9/27/07 8:43pm
 Re: SIGN ON THE X - Bobby/CA on 2/20/09 2:08pm
 To get your money- SOX it to them! Call everyday & hit - HrdwrkrVA on 7/31/10 12:55pm

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