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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Re: Lift-off!
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 3/2/17 6:02pm Msg #28403
"Both launches were successful!"

What about both recoveries? Did you get your car cover back?

I have a neighbor who has a vintage Mustang he tries to keep a car cover on. We get a lot of wind here in this part of TX, and sometimes it's a strong wind. This guy literally puts bricks on top of the car cover in an attempt to keep the cover on. Almost every day the car is uncovered and the bricks are on the ground. Could be the wind, could be other neighbors angry that he is hogging a parking spot...
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Messages in this Thread
 Lift-off! - Bear900/CA on 3/1/17 12:36pm
 Re: Lift-off! -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/2/17 7:37am
 Re: Lift-off! - MikeC/TX on 3/2/17 6:02pm
 Re: Lift-off! - Bear900/CA on 3/3/17 11:37am
 Bear, have you considered a TuffShed for your shop? n/m -  Yoli/CA on 3/3/17 3:02pm
 Re: Bear, have you considered a TuffShed for your shop? - Bear900/CA on 3/3/17 6:19pm

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