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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Yikes! Amazon (aka, new owners of Crystal City, VA)
Posted by NVLSlady/VA of VA on 4/8/21 2:54pm Msg #32937
on board to give doses to Virginians. Anything these guys won't get into???!

6,000 doses a day planned. That's a LOT of punctures.
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Messages in this Thread
 Not necessarily related to the vaccine. - NVLSlady/VA on 4/8/21 2:43pm
 Yikes! Amazon (aka, new owners of Crystal City, VA) - NVLSlady/VA on 4/8/21 2:54pm
 "In the INvent" Lol (y'all know what I meant). n/m - NVLSlady/VA on 4/8/21 9:25pm
 Re: Not necessarily related to the vaccine. - Carolyn Bodley on 4/8/21 10:21pm
 I saw that on the FoxNews about J&J one. - NVLSlady/VA on 4/9/21 11:40pm
 Re: Over on Just Politics, there is a link MikeC just - Carolyn Bodley on 4/10/21 2:46pm
 Re: Sorry. Just above in Leisure n/m - Carolyn Bodley on 4/10/21 2:47pm
 Re: I saw that on the FoxNews about J&J one. - MikeC/TX on 4/12/21 6:20pm
 Panic attacks. So what you're sayin' is - NVLSlady/VA on 4/13/21 2:20pm
 Re: Panic attacks. So what you - MikeC/TX on 4/13/21 4:35pm

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