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Posted by  Charm_AL of AL on 4/28/05 4:31pm Msg #34658
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has anyone else recieved the May copy of the National Notary? I cannot believe that they wrote a full page for each of the following for all the states.
Guide to notary commision
Comparison of notary provisions
Guide to notary fees

In Alabama most of the info is incorrect!
I can't believe the info for some other states as well...isn't Georgia a lawyer state? Not according to this info. Don't you need a producers license in IL?
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Messages in this Thread
 OMG... -  Charm_AL on 4/28/05 4:31pm
 Re: OMG... - Joan-OH on 4/28/05 5:00pm
 Re: OMG... - Donna CA on 4/28/05 9:12pm
 Re: OMG... - Jon on 4/29/05 3:30pm
 My favorite part of the May NNA magazine - Melody on 4/29/05 12:01am
 NNA Magazine - JD_Conn on 4/29/05 1:45pm
 Re: NNA Magazine. Your funny :).n/m - ERNA_CA on 4/29/05 1:49pm
 Re: NNA Magazine -  HisHughness on 4/29/05 6:27pm
 Re: OMG... - PA Notary II on 4/29/05 1:56pm

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